GE VAIC-H1D VAIC Analog Input/Output Board

GE VAIC-H1D VAIC Analog Input/Output Board


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Warranty:one year

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GE VAIC-H1D VAIC Analog Input/Output Board

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The VAIC Analog Input/Output Board IS200VAICH1DAA is one of three VAIC boards manufactured by GE for the Mark VI system. The IS200VAICH1DAA model was designed to support higher load resistances for 20 mA outputs drive voltage, and up to 18 V will be available at the terminal board’s screw terminals.

Manufactured as an Analog Input/Output Board, the IS200VAICH1DAA model is part of the Mark VI series of models produced by General Electric. When the model is used in the Mark VI series, it can accept and control four analog outputs and twenty analog inputs. Each of the terminal boards will accept two outputs and ten inputs. Several terminal boards can connect to the VAIC model and will be done through the cables on the VME racks; some boards that will connect to the board are an STAI board or a TBAIH1C board. The main function of the VAIC model is to convert inputs to digital values to then be transferred through the VME backplane to the VCMI board, which will then transfer those values to the controller. The outputs on the VAIC board will convert the digital values to analog currents, which are then driven through the terminal board into the customer circuit.

While some Mark VI models can only be used in simplex or triple modular redundant (TMR) system applications, the IS200VAICH1DAA model can be used in both. While the board can be used in both system applications, the board functions differently in each. When the VAIC module is used in a TMR system, it will send the analog inputs to three control racks from the JR1, JS1, and JT1 connectors. The power supply of 24 VDC is sent to transducers from all of the VME racks and can be selected on the terminal board or is a diode. Each available analog current output will be fed by the available currents from all of the VAIC units.